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Wake Forest University

Customize your Wake Forest internal directory profile

Modified on: Wed, Sep 18, 2024 3:54 PM

The Wake Forest University internal directory is part of our Google Workspace platform and includes all students, faculty, and staff, so it's a great way for Deacs to find each other and easily chat, email or meet with them on campus or off. Some information in your Wake Forest Google account is managed by our systems of record (Banner/WIN, Workday), but there are many fields that you may customize. Read on to see what you can add, and how. 

 Remember, take care with what you share, and stay kind and professional. Go Deacs!  -Deacbot 

Getting there:

The below steps all start from a common starting point in your WFU Google Workspace profile:

Set Basic Info: first and last name, nickname, gender and pronouns.

  1. In the personal info section, you can customize your profile photo, name, gender and pronouns. When colleagues or students hover over your name in Mail, Docs, Sheets and other apps, they will see this info appear, depending on your visibility settings.
  2. Visibility can be set for private (only you), internal ("your organization" aka Wake Forest), or global (anyone you interact with, for instance, recipients).
  3. When others hover over your "smartchip" name in Google apps like Mail
    :image showing a Google Doc with a "people smartchip" and the "hover" information that appears. Shows profile picture, name, pronouns, email address, and basic contact information of a demo persona, "Deacbot"

See organization info

  1. In the Organization info section, see information populated for you by tapping See organization info
  2. Here, you'll see fields populated by Workday and Workday Student.

Add contact info

  1. In the Contact Info section, some details may already be listed, with icons showing the visibility for these details.
  2. Select  + Add contact info to add more details, including email, phone number, address, work address, and chat username info. Details you add can be private to you, visible only to your organization (Wake Forest) or public.
  3. Add work and education

    1. Go to
    2. Scroll to the Work & education section. Here, you may add: 
      • education: multiple entries, with school name, major/field of study, start/end years, and description
      • occupation: one entry
      • work history: multiple entries, with organization, job title, start/end years, and description

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