Guest Accounts have a maximum lifespan of one-year and can be renewed.
Before the expiration date arrives, the responsible party of the account will receive an 'Account Expiration' email from Information Systems.
- If the account is still in use and needs to be extended, you may simply reply to the email received, letting us know that you would like to keep it active.
- Or you may submit a service request -
- Or you may submit a service request -
- If the account is no longer in use, please respond to the email letting us know that it can be deleted from our system.
The email specifics are below:
Account Expiration
You are receiving this message because your WFU guest computing account listed below will soon be disabled. This is in conjunction with Information Systems’ procedures to ensure the integrity of Wake Forest computing resources.
If you wish to keep this account active, please have the Responsible Party contact the IS Support Center by sending an email to [email protected].
Account Name:
<guest account username>
Responsible Party:
<responsible party username>
Disable Date:
<date of expiration>
If you have any questions about the Guest Account or the renewal process, please contact the Service Desk at [email protected] or 336-758-4357.
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